Saturday, February 13, 2010

Not the Sharpest Knife in the Drawer

I dunno. When I need a plumber I look up the Yellow Pages on-line, or ask around and find a plumber that someone recommends. When I have a dental problem, I go to my dentist or maybe to my orthodontist. When tax time is due, I contract my tax accountant.
And so it goes on. I'm happy enough to pay for the services of these people. Yes, sometimes I complain a bit about the cost, but when push comes to shove, these are the people I trust to my plumbing, teeth and relationship with the IRS.

So what's with those people who feel that they can write their own computer programs - well let's step back a bit; they WOULD write their own computer programs but they just don't know how to. So can we help? Us I.T. professionals that is. Gratis of course.
For surely, if they DID know how to do it, well then they would. But they can't. So can we please help them out?

I can just imagine if I contacted my tax accountant and asked her to show me how to submit my tax forms, gratis. I don't know why certain people have this idea about computer people. Do they think we sit around waiting for a computer problem to drop in our lap? That we love spending our spare time working for nothing on someone else's computer problem?

Believe me, we do not.

Of course it's not only computer professionals who have this problem. I have a good friend in Australia who is a dress-maker. For some reason some people think that C is just sitting around waiting for people to ask her to sew for them. For nothing. It is as if they are doing her a favor - supplying her with fabric, needle and thread.

What I'd like to know, is what do we say to these people who want us to work for zero remittance?

And on a completely different tack - why do some Australians think that Australians are special - more special that is than Albanians, Americans and Sri Lankans, for example.

To illustrate, I had an email the other day from an acquaintance. Recently, he's been berating me on FaceBook because I don't think iPads are the best thing since sliced silicone wafers. His email was about the colourful Australian idioms as delineated in "Aussie English for Beginners" - apparently published by Australian National University.

I read some of it. Aussie-speak, I read, is distinctive and COLORFUL. French and English people just speak. Sans color. Gray-color perhaps. But Australians are COLORFUL. For example, Aussies say special things such as "a kangaroo short in the top paddock." OKayeeee .... I get it.

"Aussie English for Beginners" is written by some guy called Bruce Moore. It even boasts a cartoon illustrating an extremely colorful Australian phrase - a "stubby short of a six-pack."

I think me mate is taking the mickey. Coming the raw prawn ...

On the other hand, it just might be that he has tickets on himself.


Anonymous said...

To use an old and faded Aussie word, the people who want something for nothing are bludgers, plain and simple. They are often the people who say they'd like to visit you and then stay for a month expecting you to serve Ozzie fare and liquid refreshment. O yes, they'll pay you back when you visit their place which is in some god-awful location in the Western burbs of Sydney.

In my youth, I too was a bludger expecting all kinds of assistance from friends and friends of friends who were usually long suffering females. The poor orphan kid, Billy. When fortunately, I finally grew up and out but not before I had worn out my welcome in too many places.

But maybe that's a young person's affliction and I grew out of it but I suspect many people don't.

Are Australians cheap?

Not since the AUD has approached parity with the U$D.

Hmm, maybe I should be heading back Downunder for free accommodation?

Anonymous said...

When I do my taxes I use TaxCut software by HR Block. I do not write my own program or need an IT professional. I do check with others though for recommendation on best software to use and easy to learn and use.

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